9 DIY Plans to Make Homemade Bird Feeders
Published on March 28th 2015 by Madhulima Acharya under DIY
Do you want to make your backyard more bird-friendly? Just place a bird feeder and enjoy discovering a wide variety of birds in your area. You can attract a large number of these little backyard visitors by creating gorgeous bird feeders at home.
How to make a homemade bird feeder?
It’s not necessary to visit a store to buy costly bird feeders. If you are an enthusiastic bird-watcher, then use some of the common household items to build a cool feeder at home. Have a look at the some of the unique DIY bird feeder plans.
Homemade teacup bird feeder
Things required
- Teacup
- Saucer
- Spoon
- Copper pipe- 1/2 inch
- Copper cap- 1/2 inch
- Glue
- Sandpaper
- Bird seeds
- Apply the glue to the bottom of the cup and base of the spoon, and attach them to the saucer firmly
- Clean the copper cap thoroughly with the sandpaper
- Glue the base of the cap and attach it to the bottom of the saucer
- Let it dry for few hours
- Insert the copper pipe into the cap and place it on the ground
- Fill the cup and saucer with bird seeds
Homemade milk carton bird feeder
Things to use
- Empty milk carton
- Small knife
- Paint and brush
- Large Popsicle stick
- Metal wire- 30 inches
- Marker
- Paint the outside of the carton uniformly and let it dry
- Make a narrow slit slightly above the bottom of the carton and insert the Popsicle stick
- Use the marker to draw a rectangle on the carton and cut it out with the knife
- Cut a small hole in the top of the carton and insert the metal wire to form a hanging loop
- Fill the carton with bird seeds and hang it outside
Homemade wood/suet log bird feeder
Materials required
- One wooden log
- Metal hook
- Drill
- Bird suet
- Hold the wooden log in a vertical position and drill large holes at different places
- Make a small hole at the top of the log with the drill and insert the metal hook
- Stuff the bird suet into the holes and hang the log outside
Homemade bottle bird feeder
Things to use
- Empty plastic soda or water bottle
- Two long wooden sticks
- Metal wire- 20 inches
- Funnel
- Utility knife
- Bird seeds
- Use the knife to cut two holes few inches from the bottom on the opposite sides of the bottle
- Insert the wooden sticks into the holes
- Cut large feeding holes above the wooden sticks
- Pour bird seeds into the bottle using the funnel and close it tightly
- Punch two small holes on the neck of the bottle opposite each other
- Push the metal wire through the holes and form a loop
- Hang the feeder on a tree branch or an outdoor pole hanger
Homemade Mason jar bird feeder
Materials required
- Empty mason jar
- Galvanized chicken metal feeder
- 10-gauge copper wire- 35 inches
- Glue
- Bird seeds
- Apply glue on the copper and twine it around the jar starting from the top
- Bend the wire to form a hook at the base of the jar
- Fill the jar with bird seeds and place the chicken feeder on it
- Invert the feeder and hang it outside
Homemade toilet paper roll/peanut butter bird feeder
Things to use
- One toilet paper roll
- Peanut butter
- Plate
- Butter knife
- Bird seeds
- Spread the peanut butter all over the toilet paper roll with the butter knife
- Pour some birdseed on the plate and roll the toilet paper roll on it
- Slide the bird feeder onto a tree branch
Homemade Popsicle stick bird feeder
- 50 Popsicle sticks
- Two long hemp strings
- Glue
- A pair of scissors
- Bird seeds
- Place 12 Popsicle sticks in a row and use the glue to attach another set of 4 sticks crosswise to form a strong base
- Apply glue at the four corners to place two sticks across the base
- Cut one popsicle stick into two and attach them to one end of the frame to create a perch
- Take another set of two sticks and stack them crosswise
- Continue gluing the sticks on alternate sides until six rows are formed
- Wrap the two hemp strings around the bottom of the feeder and push them through the gaps at the sides of the frame
- Use the ends of the strings to form a knot
- Fill the new feeder with bird seeds and hang it outside
Homemade hummingbird feeder using a wine bottle
Things required
- Empty wine bottle
- 4-gauge copper wire- 30 inches
- Feeder stopper
- Sugar water
- Wind the copper wire around the bottle spirally and bent it to form a hook at the bottom
- Pour sugar water into the bottle and insert the feeder stopper
- Hang the feeder on a hanger or tree branch outside
Homemade squirrel-proof bird feeder
Basic materials required
- PVC pipe- 4 inches
- 2 PVC caps- 4 inches
- Squirrel Baffle
- 10-gauge galvanized wire- 33 inches
- Hole saw
- Hardware cloth
- A ball of Aluminum foil
- Drill
- Bird seeds
- Cut two holes near one end of the PVC pipe on the opposite sides
- Roll the hardware cloth into a cylinder and insert into the pipe
- Stuff one of the PVC caps with the ball of aluminum foil and place it at one end of the pipe
- Fill the pipe with bird seeds and close the other end of the pipe with the other PVC cap
- Drill two small holes below it on the opposite sides
- Push the galvanized wire through the holes and use the ends to form a hanging loop
- Drill the center of the squirrel baffle and pass the loop through it
- Hang the squirrel baffle bird feeder in the backyard
Building a bird feeder is one kind of a creative escape from your routine life. You can also carry out this interesting craft work along with your kids during their holidays.

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