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DIY: Homemade Teeth Whitening

Published on February 25th 2015 by under DIY

Teeth are probably one of our best friends that serve as the first assistants to our digestive system, cutting, slicing, grinding our foods inside our mouth and serve our appetite. It is said that, one is unable to perceive the importance of his teeth until they lose them at old age. Hence, it is also important to treat them well and keep them clean and healthy. Dental health is an important aspect of our body, for which reason, dentists hold a different position from the general physicians. It is our duty to take good care of them.

Homemade Teeth Whitening

Homemade Teeth Whitening

Like we shared with you in the past about multiple ways of making homemade toothpaste, here we are to share with you the best ways to whiten your teeth. Whitening your teeth adds to your beauty and gives you a million dollar smile, in comparison to a set of unhealthy yellowish teeth. Each tooth has its own specific function, and hence, all are equally important and friendly. A natural homemade teeth whitener is safe to use and here we give you the best homemade remedies for effectively whitening your teeth.

How to whiten teeth at home

Homemade Teeth Whitening using Hydrogen Peroxide Gel


  • Hydrogen peroxide – 2 tsp
  • Baking soda – 3 tsp
  • Peppermint extract – 1 drop
  • Minty toothpaste
  • Toothbrush
Homemade Teeth Whitening Using Hydrogen Peroxide Gel

Homemade Teeth Whitening Using Hydrogen Peroxide Gel

How to make

Mix the hydrogen peroxide and the baking soda together in a bowl and mix well until you form a gel-like paste. You can adjust the quantities you pour, until you get the desired consistency (like that of toothpaste). Add a little bit of the mint toothpaste to it and also the peppermint extract. Your tooth gel is ready to use!


If you have a bruise in your mouth, it might temporarily turn white. There is nothing to worry about.


Avoid swallowing down the paste accidentally. If so, call the Poison Control ASAP.

Easy Homemade Teeth Whitener Recipe


Big strawberries – 1 to 3
Sea salt – 1 pinch
Baking soda (optional) – ½ tsp

How to make

Make a pulp by mashing the strawberries and add the baking soda and the sea salt to this. Before using this mixture, it’s better if you wipe off the extra saliva from your teeth, making them as dry as possible. Use a toothbrush to apply this paste on your teeth, as you keep brushing. Allow it to settle for about 4-5 minutes and wash off.


For best results, repeat the process every night before you sleep.

Instant Natural Homemade Teeth Whitener Recipe


  • Banana – 1
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – 1 tbsp
  • Toothbrush

How to make

Simple peel the banana and rub it on your teeth. You can also use apple cider vinegar for this. Dip your toothbrush in the vinegar and brush your teeth with it. Otherwise, you can also make a combination of both the banana and the vinegar. For that, soak the inside of the peel in the vinegar and rub it on your teeth for a couple of minutes, and notice the difference!

How to Make Homemade Teeth-whitening Strips

Check out the following video about how to effectively use homemade strips to get the best results for a set of milky white teeth:

-General Warning/Tips –

  1. It is advisable that you brush your teeth with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide paste/gel only once a week.
  2. When you use Hydrogen peroxide, make sure, you use 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide, which is safe for your teeth and the enamel.

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