Home / DIY / DIY: How to Make Essential Lavender Oil

DIY: How to Make Essential Lavender Oil

Published on December 1st 2014 by under DIY

The name lavender is so intense that it retains both the color and the fragrance of the flower, lulling you to sleep and aromatizes the world of cosmetics, perfumes and so on! The eye-soothing, light-mauve appeal of the flower has fascinated everyone to use it extensively in medicines, herbal and Ayurvedic preparations.

Lavender Oil

Lavender Oil

Among all essential oils, the lavender oil in particular has qualities in soothing your day’s tiredness and much more, and is used in many different ingredients of our everyday uses and purposes…and we at Goingevergreen would like to share with you all the best ways to make homemade lavender oil, discarding the strong, chemically-treated ones in the market.

How to Make Homemade Lavender Oil – 1


  • Lavender buds
  • Grain alcohol or vodka (a cheap grocery store brand that is cheap eg, Popov vodka, is perfect for this recipe since it tastes horrible if you drink it in a tasty Cosmo.)
  • Bowl and spoon (mortar and pestle)
  • Coffee filters
  • 2 jars, with one having a tight lid

Procedure to make homemade lavender oil

  • Use either fresh or dry lavender buds, removing the flowers from the stalk.
  • Put all the lavender flowers in a bowl/mortar. Then, use the back of a spoon or pestle for crushing the buds for releasing the oil. Better if you don’t process the buds until they are mushy, or else, there are chances for you to lose the flower’s oil.
  • Pour the lavender buds to the jar that has a tight lid and then after, cover these in vodka or grain alcohol.
  • Shake the contents of the jar to let the oil get released. This should be done several times a day for a few days. The more time u give the lavender flowers get steeped, more oil you will be able to extract.
  • Take a coffee filter and use it for straining the liquid from the lavender buds, into the other jar.
  • Put a cloth or a coffee filter on the jar’s top, which has the liquid, and allow it to sit undisturbed for allowing the alcohol to evaporate and leave back the lavender oil…and it’s DONE!!!

How to Make Homemade Lavender Oil – 2


  • Lavender stems and petals (fresh)
  • 2 glass jars having stoppers
  • Strainer (small by size)
  • Olive oil

Procedure to make homemade lavender oil

  • In advance, Harvest the Fresh Lavender in your own garden to get it organic.
  • Clip the lavenders in small bits and pieces and put them in the jar.
  • Pour olive oil to this.
  • Let the oil sit for at least 1 month.
  • Strain the whole content in a second jar.
  • Discard of the lavender flower parts and put the tight lid on the second jar. Your homemade lavender oil is ready.

How to Make Homemade Lavender Oil – 3


  • Cups Lavender buds or flowers – 1 ½ to 2 cups
  • Olive Oil – 1 ½ to 2 cups
  • Vitamin E (drained out by piercing, approx. 400 IUs) – 7 capsules
  • Jar with a tight fitting lid (sterilized, with a capacity of about 2 cups)
  • Pot (a glass, ceramic or stainless steel would be non-reactive)
  • Bowl (non-reactive)
  • Mesh strainer or Cheesecloth – 1
  • Coffee filter

Procedure to make homemade lavender oil

  • Start heating the olive oil until it starts bubbling at the corner of the pot.
  • Add all the lavenders and keep it simmered for about half an hour on a low flame.
  • Remove from heat and cool this to room temperature.
  • Strain this mixture in batches from inside a large strainer and then again strain it through the coffee filter.
  • Pour the vitamin E oil to this mixture.
  • Store this in a disinfected/sterilized jar and refrigerate.

How to Make Homemade Lavender Oil – 4


  • Dry lavender flowers – ¼ cup
  • Lavender essential oil – 6-8 drops
  • Grated beeswax (use a different grater dedicated for grating beeswax only. Do not grate this in which you might grate your other spices again.) – 2 tbsp
  • Virgin olive oil – ½ cup
  • 1 heavy saucepan
  • 1 liquid measuring cup
  • Sterilized jars for finished salve
  • 1 cheesecloth
  • 1 rubber band
  • Tea towels

Procedure to make homemade lavender oil

  • In the saucepan, pour the whole oil.
  • Put the lavender flowers in this and keep stirring to combine.
  • Keep simmering this in low heat. Once it gets warm, remove this from heat and allow it to sit for 20 minutes.
  • Over a measuring cup, place the cheesecloth and tie up the head with a rubber band.
  • Drain this lavender oil through this cloth.
  • As most of the oil drains through, remove the rubber band and squeeze the extra oil into the cup.
  • Now, into the pan, pour in a few inches of water, and place the cup containing the olive oil into the pan.
  • Keep warming this over slow flame until the water simmers.
  • To the boiling water, add 5 drops of lavender essential oil of lavender as also, add to the olive oil 2 tablespoons of beeswax.
  • Allow the mixture settle in the simmering water and keep stirring from time to time, until the beeswax melts. This whole process takes around 10 minutes.
  • As this melts, transfer the whole content into sterilized jars.
  • Before you put the lid, let this whole mixture cool completely.
  • This mixture stays as-it-is for about 6 months to almost 1 year.

One thought on “DIY: How to Make Essential Lavender Oil

  1. ladi says:

    this is such a great idea oh theres another way u can do it tho you need lavender essential stuff and almond oil and just put a teaspoon of lavender in 1/2 a cup of almond oil then there u go fresh lavender oil!!!!!!!!!!;)

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