Home / DIY / Homemade Coconut Oil Face Masks

Homemade Coconut Oil Face Masks

Published on April 11th 2015 by under DIY

Oil from the coconut is good for all types of skin. It soothes your skin, as also, has the property of preventing wrinkles, delaying the process of aging. It has antibacterial, antifungal, moisturizing properties, repairs damaged skin and detoxifies it, and treat such issues like skin pigmentation during pregnancy (melasma), different kinds of skin eruptions like pimples, blackheads, etc. The Caprylic Acid, MCFA (Medium Chain Fatty Acids) and the antioxidants present in it are effective for oily skin and the resultant acnes.

It is advisable that you always pick up pure, cold-pressed coconut oil that is extra-virgin, retaining its organic properties. Initially, go for a coconut oil patch test on your skin before using the masks, and then proceed from there.


Coconut Oil Face Mask

Coconut Oil Face Mask

Easy Deep-cleansing Mask with Baking Soda


  • Coconut oil
  • Baking soda

Note: If you have a sensitive skin use the ratio of coconut oil to baking soda – 2:1, but if you would use it as an exfoliator for instant skin glow, use it in the ratio of 1:1.


Mix both the ingredients together. If you want only to exfoliate your skin, rub it all over your face and lips for sometime and wash off with warm water using a circular motion, gently.  However, you can also leave it on as a mask for a few minutes for a deeper conditioning effect, before you wash it off.

DIY Mask with Lemon and Honey


  • Coconut oil – 1 tbsp
  • Lemon juice – 2 tbsp
  • Raw honey (unprocessed) – ½ tsp
  • Cocoa powder – ½ tsp
  • Carrot – ½ (boiled and blended smoothly)
DIY Coconut Oil Face Mask with Honey

DIY Coconut Oil Face Mask with Honey


Add all the ingredients in a small bowl, mix vigorously and make a smooth mixture. Wash your face clean and pat dry. Now apply gently all over your face and wait for 10-15 minutes. Wash off the mask with clean water and pat dry.

With Brown Sugar, Green Tea and Spirulina


  • Coconut oil – 1 tbsp
  • Brown sugar – 1 tsp
  • Tea tree essential oil – 2-3 drops
  • Spirulina powder – 1 tsp
Easy Natural Coconut Oil Face Mask

Easy Natural Coconut Oil Face Mask


Mix well and use all over your face. You can keep this overnight and wash off in the morning. The brown sugar will exfoliate your skin, along with the goodness of the other ingredients.

Mask for Dry and Oily Skins with Banana


  • Coconut oil – 1 tbsp
  • Turmeric powder – 1 pinch
  • Ripe banana (mashed) – ½
  • Aloe vera juice – 1 tbsp
  • Coffee powder (unprocessed) – ½ tsp
Coconut Oil Face Mask with Banana

Coconut Oil Face Mask with Banana


Transfer all the ingredients in a bowl and mix them thoroughly to make a thick paste. Smear the mask all over your face and wait for about 20 minutes. Wash off with clean water.

Face Mask with Nutmeg and Yogurt


  • Coconut oil – 1 tbsp
  • Nutmeg – 1 tsp
  • Yogurt – 1tbsp
  • Avocado – ¼th part mashed. (You can also replace avocado with egg. Use an egg yolk if you have dry skin or egg white if oily.)
  • Bentonite clay – 1 tbsp
Coconut Oil Face Mask with Nutmeg and Yogurt

Coconut Oil Face Mask with Nutmeg and Yogurt


The process is the same. Whip all the contents together in a bowl briskly. When mixed, apply all over your face, leaving out the areas around your eyes. Keep for around 20-30 minutes. Wash off.

With Oatmeal


  • Coconut oil – 1 tbsp
  • Cinnamon powder – 1 tsp
  • Oat flour – 1 tbsp
  • Egg – 1
  • Yogurt – 1 tbsp


Just whisk all the ingredients together to form a creamy texture (you can make the mixture without yogurt). Spread gently all over your face and lie down. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Mask for Acne-prone Skin with Aspirin


  • Honey (pre-warmed, to make it runny) – 1 tsp
  • Uncoated Aspirin tablets – 3 tablets
  • Coconut oil – a few drops


Grind the aspirin tablets by a mortar and pestle and transfer the powder to a bowl. Pour in a few drops of water to dissolve the powder, making it into a paste. Now add the honey and the coconut oil and combine well. Smear the mask all over your face and wait for about 10-15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.


For removing Acne Scar

To remove your acne scars, scoop out about ¼th of a tsp of coconut oil and melt it on your palm. Directly massage it onto the affected area until it is absorbed. You don’t need to wash the oil off since the fatty acids and vitamins will continue to work for hours (you can remove it after half an hour using a natural cleanser if the oil feels uncomfortable or heavy on your skin).

For Eczema

To treat eczema, mix raw honey and virgin coconut oil in a bowl and mix uniformly. Apply this mixture on your face gently using your fingertips. Keep it for about 15 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water. Pat your face dry with a soft, clean towel.

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