9 of the Best No-Mow Grasses for a Low Maintenance Lawn
Published on June 23rd 2017 by Madhumita Talukder under Plants
A neatly manicured lawn no doubt speaks volumes about the painstaking effort put in by its owner behind frequent mowing. But, what if it’s all about grasses that do not need mowing? In comparison to options like buffalo grass that requires regular mowing, these are healthy alternatives and are great in saving your water bill too, not mention being more environment-friendly.
Benefits of No-Mow Grass
- Economic: As it needs less water and fertilizers, a significant amount can be saved.
- Environment-friendly: Running a gas lawn mower for 1 hour emits an equal amount of pollutants as a car does after driving for 100 miles. So, when you have low- or no-mow grass, you do not use the mower as much, which ensures lower carbon dioxide emission, thereby reducing your carbon footprint.
Types of Low Maintenance Grass
1. Korean Velvet Grass
Growing Conditions: Ornamental grass with a slow growth rate, requires less water, fertilizer, and thatch. Plant grass plugs in loam soil in spring, summer, fall or winter
Mowing Need: Once or twice a year
Places Fit for its Growth: Verges, slopes, and courtyards
2. Low-Mow Fescues or Bentgrass Blends
Growing Conditions: Slow growing, tolerates shade and does well in poor soil. Grows well with hard freezes, up to 3 to 6 inches, while the southern version is designed for hot, dry areas
Mowing Need: Once in a month
Places Fit for its Growth: Lawns and meadows
3. Dwarf Mondo Grass (Type of Monkey Grass)
Growing Conditions: Both heat and drought resistant and opposes weed invasions; plant seeds in sterile potting soil and keep the pots in a cold frame as these seeds germinate best in cooler temperatures
Mowing Need: No mowing
Places Fit for its Growth: Garden paths, borders, and in between pavers or stepping stones
4. Eco Grass Blends (containing rugged and fine fescue seeds)
Growing Conditions: Can grow in full or partial sun as well as in full shade; Drought and disease resistant, reduces weed infestations, requires little watering or fertilizing
Mowing Need: Little or no mowing and maintenance
Places Fit for its Growth: Steep hillsides and areas near streets
5. Sedge
Growing Conditions: Does not require any fertilizers, thriving in both moist and dry areas. Planting is done in spring, fall, or winter.
Mowing Need: No mowing other than in spring
Places Fit for its Growth: Lawns
6. Clover
Growing Conditions: Stays well in both sunlight and partial shade. Needs no fertilizer. Sow seeds in spring when night temperatures are consistently higher than 40° F. Let the soil remain moist until germination.
Mowing Need: No mowing
Places Fit for its Growth: Lawns; but this one too cannot handle extensive running or playing
7. Moss
Growing Conditions: Low growing, needs very little water and no fertilizers. Plant in spring after the last frost and keep it moist for the first three weeks.
Mowing Need: No mowing
Places Fit for its Growth: Lawns (take care to add a flagstone walkway since it is not suitable for heavy foot traffic)
8. Carpet Grass
Growing Conditions: Plant it on a smooth and loose seabed in between mid-April to May. The area should be kept moist for the first two weeks after sowing. The perennial grass with a thick sod helps to eliminate weeds.
Mowing Need: Mowing required only in summer
Places Fit for its Growth: Lawns; perfect for heavy foot traffic
Additional Ideas
- Go for artificial or synthetic grass that needs even less care.
- Have ground covers if you intend to avoid the cost of extensive lawns.
- Select aqua plants like Java Moss if you plan to keep an aquarium in your lawn.
In today’s busy world, when we hardly have time to execute our daily needs, products like these seem like a blessing. After all, we all prefer a relaxed and enriched life. Hence, cultivate no-mow grasses in peace and rejoice long moments of complete leisure.

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